Thursday, May 10, 2012

Planning applications - to 5 May 2012

2012/03014/PA - 60 Tynedale Road, Tyseley
Erection of first floor rear extension and front porch

2012/02780/PA - 27 Westfield Road, Acocks Green

Erection of first floor rear extension and single storey rear extension

2012/02298/PA - 49-51 Shirley Road (Knightsbridge Care Home)

Variation of Condition C7 attached to PA No 2008/02086/PA to allow for an increase in occupancy from 50 to 85 persons at any one time

2012/02651/PA - 240 School Road, Hall Green
Erection of conservatory

2012/02653/PA - 1160 Warwick Road, Acocks Green
Display of 1 non-illuminated fascia and 1 non-illuminated projecting signage

2012/02055/PA - 112 Yardley Road, Acocks Green

Change of use from previous care service unit (use class A2) to one bedroom dwelling (use class C3).

2012/01813/PA - 10 Easton Grove

Erection of single storey detached bungalow in rear/side garden

2012/02525/PA - 164 Shirley Road

Erection of two storey side and first floor rear extension.

2012/02222/PA - 176 School Road, Hall Green (SCHOOL RD CONSERVATION AREA)
Erection of rear first and second floor extension

A bit of catching up on this regular post. I'll keep this up to date now.

You can find the details by inputting the reference number into the Council online database here

If you have any comments, you can submit them online - feel free to pass your comments on to me.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Diary Date - Acocks Green Neighbourhood Police Residents' Meeting

Thursday 10 May
7pm - 8pm

Baptist Church, corner of Yardley Road / Alexander Road

A chance to meet the local policing team, talk through any issues or concerns and feed your views into the tasking process.