Friday, February 01, 2013

Acocks Green Bins Update

Apologies to those of you who have had delays to your bin collections over the past few days. Unfortunately, the bad weather meant a huge backlog of rubbish to be collected and it has taken until now to get back largely on track. Some areas that have been raised with me - Francis Road, Gospel Lane, the Stockfield Estate and the Warwick Road - have been cleared of black bag waste today. Crews will be working late tonight and across the weekend to clear remaining rubbish and it is hoped that black bags will be gone by close of play on Saturday, with outstanding recyclable collections cleared by the end of Sunday.

In this situation, collections are placed in priority order with black bag waste being the highest priority, given the likely contents.

There will be a few problems outstanding as we start next week, but we should have the collection back on track by about Wednesday. Additional street cleaning resources will be put in place over the next week or so to tidy the ward up.

Again, apologies, but we are getting back to normal now.

Diary Date - Transport, Connectivity and Sustainability O&S

Transport, Connectivity and Sustainability O&S Committee
Friday 1 February 2013
10am - Council House
Agenda Items

  • Flood Risk Management Annual Report

  • Biomass Emissions Policy - Draft Response to consultation

  • From Waste to Resource - Sustainable Strategy for 2019

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Planning Applications to the 26 January 2013

Nothing last week and then we get this little lot.

2012/08372/PA - 10 Botteville Road
Change of use from dwelling (C3) to residential institution (C2)

2012/07821/PA - 1091 Warwick Road
Erection of conservatory to front and single-storey rear extension (This is the former Pasta di Piazza restaurant on the same run of shops as Pizza Hut, beside Acocks Green Primary School)

2013/00071/PA - Aldi Foodstore Ltd, Warwick Road
Installation of full height new shopfront to front elevation and new rendered finish to existing brickwork panels

2013/00319/PA - 8 Olton Croft, Land adjacent
Erection of a 3 bedroom detached dwelling house

You can find the details by inputting the reference number into the Council online database here
If you have any comments, you can submit them online - feel free to pass your comments on to me.
Details of the planning classes can be found here. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Bin collections

We've done our best to maintain black bin bag collections on the main roads across the ward and Acocks Green, but many of the side roads have simply proved too treacherous for the heavy bin wagons and our crews to operate safely across the week. As the weather conditions have changed over the weekend, normal collections will resume this week and missed collection will be collected as normal, although we will try to prioritise missed recycling collections from last week.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused last week, but the weather was exceptionally poor and persistent and we have to put the safety of the public and our crews as our top priority.