It has been a busy few weeks, but there is some excellent news about projects in the pipeline for Acocks Green.
Firstly, after discussions with the Deputy Leader of the Council, we've secured funding to refresh some of the street furniture around the Green itself - replacing the range of bollards with a single type, repainting in new colours and generally sprucing the place up. There were plans to repaint the lamp posts as well, but this has been scrapped, as the posts are due for replacement over the next two years or so and we can put that money to work elsewhere. That work will be done over the next few months.
Secondly, there's £3.4 million to be spent on the Warwick Road from the junction with the Stratford Road through to Solihull and half of that will be spent reworking the stretch between Station Road and Woodcock Lane right here in Acocks Green. We'll be consulting in detail over autumn 2012 with various local groups and also at the Ward Committee in September, so do make sure you get along to that.
Essentially, the plan is to de-dual the carriageway at this point, widening pavements, decluttering, reducing road speeds and increasing parking facilities along the road here. We'll also be looking at making the slip road in front of the KFC (on the stretch between Mallard Road and Oxford Road) much more of a public space to support the farmers' market or any other events that might occur. To improve access to the car park, we're also looking at improving traffic flows along Station Road and the junction with Sherbourne Road/Oxford Road/Dudley Park Road - but this will be done in full consultation with residents in that area.
Expect more details over the coming months - we'll make sure that you are kept up to date with progress, but the intention is to consult this autumn, finalise the designs and tender the work out in 2013 with the aim of work being carried out and completed for the Christmas season in 2014.
Finally, we're also hoping to see some exciting work done to tidy up the junction of Olton Boulevard East with Summer Road, Shaftmoor Lane and Spring Road as part of the Morrisons building programme, as well as improvements along Spring Road and the addition of pedestrian crossings. Watch out for more on that over the next few weeks. That work is on the books for completion within the next twelve months.
Aside from that, we've got a number of smaller projects much further advanced - the Shirley Road/School Road island is installed, we've got raised crossings being installed along Pemberly Road over the summer and there will also be some major work done this summer on Yarnfield Road in front of the school to make that safe for children and parents. Also, we're still pressing forward with work to calm traffic along Arden Road - we'll be discussing that with Highways over the coming weeks.
So that's a number of major investments in your ward over the next couple of years - we really are working to make things better.