Friday, May 03, 2013

Police update

This is the latest update from our local neighbourhood team.

April saw ten burglaries, two up on the previous month. Unusually, four have been forced entry through front doors and on two occasions, vehicles were also taken. Two were from empty properties where boilers and copper pipe were taken and there have been three burglaries on commercial properties. Two robberies and five thefts of motor vehicles have also been reported. Fifteen thefts from motor vehicles, five of which related to the theft of front and rear number plates. Four sets of Astra wing mirrors have been stolen - the successor to the theft of Mini Cooper wing mirrors. There have been two cases of theft of satnavs from vehicles and one incident of a theft of a bag from a car, which resulted in the arrest of the thieves. There has also been the theft of a catalytic converter from a van.

There have been a few incidents of anti-social behaviour on the Gospel Estate and two youngsters have been placed on anti-social behaviour contracts.

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